Tennis - Lesson 1

Physical Education Resource Description
The first lesson in a Year 6 tennis programme aims to teach students how to control the ball and engage in a cooperative rally. The objectives for the pupils include mastering forehand and backhand shots, playing a rally, and utilising these skills in a competitive environment. Key terms such as 'forehand', 'backhand', 'rally', 'ready position', and 'smash' are introduced. The lesson requires equipment such as rackets, balls, and throw-down lines. Warm-up exercises begin with 'Over Your Head', a ball-throwing activity that focuses on coordination and spatial awareness. Pupils are encouraged to discuss which parts of their body assist in reaching high and how their feet can help with movement. Variations of the warm-up include using different sized balls or balloons to cater to different skill levels.
The main part of the lesson consists of a 30-minute session where pupils review key tennis skills, including the correct techniques for forehand and backhand shots, and the importance of the ready position. The instructor models these techniques, emphasising body positioning and racket handling. Pupils then participate in 'Step Back Rallies', a drill that encourages them to maintain a rally and gradually increase the distance from the net, enhancing their control and consistency. Key teaching points include getting the racket back early, increasing stroke length, and recovering quickly after each shot. The lesson concludes with a cool-down activity called 'Clock It', which involves slow jogging and stretching exercises. Pupils reflect on their performance, discussing what they did well, what they learned, and identifying areas for further development.