Tennis - Lesson 5

Physical Education
Physical Education
Year 6
Tennis - Lesson 5

Physical Education Resource Description

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In the fifth lesson of a Year 6 tennis programme, students are taught the crucial skill of recovering after making a shot, with the aim of enhancing their ability to maintain a rally. The lesson begins with a warm-up that includes target throwing exercises to improve accuracy and coordination. Pupils work in pairs, taking turns to throw balls overarm at designated short and long targets within the service box, while their partner judges whether the throws land in or out. This activity can be adapted for varying difficulty levels by adjusting the distance from the target or the size of the targets, as well as by throwing underarm for a different challenge.

The main part of the lesson, lasting 30 minutes, is dedicated to playing "Rally and Recover". Pupils pair up and rally on a half court, focusing on hitting the ball and then recovering to the middle of the full court with at least two steps. This exercise is designed to simulate real match conditions, where quick recovery is essential. The lesson includes extensions, such as using specific movement patterns for recovery, and variations, like having one pupil focus on the two-step recovery while the other hits and recovers. A competitive element is introduced with a cooperative competition where teams of four attempt to complete successful rallies to win cones, and a competitive rally where failure to perform the two-step recovery results in the opponent winning a cone. The lesson concludes with a cool-down, including jogging, stretching, and mobility exercises to ensure the body is properly relaxed post-activity.

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