Outdoor and Adventure - Lesson 3

Physical Education Resource Description
In the third lesson of the Year 6 Outdoor and Adventure series, students will learn the essential skill of map orientation. The lesson's objectives are to understand how to correctly align a map with the surrounding area and to work effectively in pairs or teams to solve problems and record answers. Success is measured by the pupils' ability to position maps accurately and work swiftly in collaboration. Key vocabulary for the lesson includes terms such as 'maps', 'orientate', 'strategy', 'start', 'finish', 'control points', and 'teamwork'. Essential equipment and resources include cones, pens, a netball court, a stopwatch, number cards, and guides with maps and answer sheets.
The lesson begins with a warm-up activity called 'Number Order Relay', where the class is divided into teams, each tasked with finding numbered cones in sequence as quickly as possible. The main part of the lesson consists of two activities: 'Cone Orientation' and 'Netball Court Orientation'. In 'Cone Orientation', pairs navigate a course, following maps that lead them to cones with hidden numbers, which they must add up and record. 'Netball Court Orientation' is a progression of the first activity, requiring pairs to navigate a mapped-out course on a netball court, visiting control points and summing the numbers found. The lesson concludes with a 'Review line' cool-down, where pupils reflect on their cooperation and leadership skills, as well as their ability to correctly position maps. This interactive lesson not only teaches map-reading skills but also encourages teamwork, communication, and problem-solving.