Dance 2 - Lesson 4

Physical Education
Physical Education
Year 6
Dance 2 - Lesson 4
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In Year 6 Dance lesson 4, students are encouraged to immerse themselves in the dynamic world of the modern Olympic Pentathlon through dance. The learning objectives are to perform a simple range of movements inspired by this multi-sport event. Success is measured by the pupils' ability to explore, repeat, and link a series of actions with coordination, and to creatively combine these into sequences within a group setting. The key vocabulary for this lesson includes terms such as 'phrase', 'gesture', 'stance', 'level', 'unison', 'canon', and 'coordination', all of which are essential to understanding and executing the movements associated with the five disciplines of the modern Pentathlon: fencing, swimming, equestrian show jumping, and the combined event of shooting and cross-country running.

The lesson begins with a warm-up where students practice various travelling steps and play 'Copycats' to mimic movements in pairs or small groups. The main activity involves students working in groups to devise their own dance phrases that reflect the different Pentathlon events, using improvisation and suggested gestures. They are encouraged to discuss and analyse these events and consider how their performance might be perceived by an audience. The lesson concludes with groups performing their sequences and providing feedback based on the success criteria. A cool-down session follows, featuring a repeat of the 'Copycats' activity, stretching exercises on gymnastic mats, and a focused breathing exercise to relax and centre the students before they leave the dance space.