Dance - Lesson 1

Physical Education
Physical Education
Year 6
Dance - Lesson 1
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The Striver Lesson Plans for Year 6 include an engaging dance lesson focused on movements inspired by street art, specifically the use of a spray can. The lesson starts with a dynamic warm-up where students explore different travelling steps and play a game called 'Beans', where they perform actions based on various bean names, such as 'Jumping Bean' and 'Runner Bean'. This is designed to get pupils moving and thinking about how they can use space creatively. The main part of the lesson involves discussing street art and its controversial nature, asking whether it is art or vandalism. Pupils are also introduced to the concept of a 'tag' in graffiti and use this as a basis for creating dance movements that mimic the act of spray painting.

During the main activity, the class teacher guides the students through a series of movements that simulate the creation of a tag with a spray can, including horizontal and vertical arm movements and creating an 'S' shape with their body. This is followed by a canon exercise where pupils line up and perform the movements in sequence, with options to add complexity, such as performing to music or in retrograde. The lesson concludes with a cool-down period where the 'Beans' activity is revisited, and pupils engage in stretching and breathing exercises on gymnastic mats. Throughout the lesson, there are opportunities for leadership, with pupils being encouraged to demonstrate movements and lead activities, fostering a sense of responsibility and confidence.