Gymnastics 3 - Lesson 2

Physical Education Resource Description
In the second lesson of the Year 5 Gymnastics 3 series, students are set to learn and refine their ability to roll from and into a pike position. The learning objectives are clear: to recap and demonstrate different gymnastic rolls, perform a pike forward roll, and execute a backward roll to a standing pike. Key vocabulary such as 'rolls', 'forward', 'backward', 'pike', 'pencil roll', 'egg roll', and 'teddy-bear roll' are introduced to enhance students' understanding. Equipment needed for the session includes mats, a springboard, and gym wedges. The warm-up consists of side-to-side pencil rolls, with variations and extensions to challenge the pupils and encourage them to think about the power and form of their rolls.
The main part of the lesson spans 30 minutes and is divided into activities focusing on pike rolls and backward rolls to pike stands, with images provided as visual guides. Pupils work in pairs, practising and observing each other to provide feedback. Key teaching points emphasize the importance of maintaining tight core muscles, straight limbs, and correct contact with the mat for safety. The lesson also includes a rotation exercise where students spend time at different stations, each dedicated to a specific type of roll such as egg rolls, pike forward rolls, backward rolls to standing pike, and teddy-bear rolls. The session wraps up with a cool-down activity where pupils work in pairs to leap and dive over each other, reflecting on the challenges faced and their potential for improvement.