Gymnastics 1 - Lesson 5

Physical Education Resource Description
In the fifth lesson of Gymnastics 1 for Year 4 students, the objective is to perform and evaluate a gymnastics routine that includes linked balances. The success of the lesson is gauged by the pupils' ability to build upon what they've previously learned and to critically assess and improve their performances. Key terminology such as 'tension', 'balance', 'entrance', 'transition', 'fluency', 'exit', 'low level shape', 'medium level shape', and 'points of contact' is introduced to enrich the students' understanding of gymnastic movements. The lesson requires equipment such as cones to define the safe zone, safety gymnastic mats for the activities, and a few bibs for the warm-up game.
The lesson begins with a warm-up where the teacher sets out a safe zone and encourages pupils to discuss the importance of space while moving. They practice 'scanning' for space while jogging, hopping, skipping, running, and changing directions. The main part of the lesson involves pupils working in pairs on gymnastic mats to model and perform various balances, such as front support positions and low level straddles, transitioning from one balance to another. They are encouraged to create a short routine that includes three matching or mirrored balances, taking into consideration the points of contact and safe transitions. The lesson concludes with performances where pupils showcase their routines and receive feedback based on the success criteria. A cool-down activity called 'How Tall, How Small?' involves taggers and encourages reflection on the skills used during the lesson.