Gymnastics 1 - Lesson 4

Physical Education Resource Description
In the fourth lesson of Gymnastics 1 for Year 4, pupils aim to perform and evaluate a routine that includes contrasting balances on and over various pieces of gymnastics apparatus. The success of the lesson is determined by the pupils' ability to demonstrate contrasting balances with fluency, to model safely with a partner on apparatus, and to evaluate and improve their performances. Key vocabulary such as tension, balance, entrance, transition, fluency, exit, and terms describing different levels of shapes and apparatus are introduced to enhance the learning experience. Essential equipment for the lesson includes cones, safety gymnastics mats, and suggested apparatus like benches, quoits, wall bars, and various boxes and springboards.
The lesson begins with a 10-minute warm-up where pupils learn to scan for space while travelling in different ways, including jogging, hopping, skipping, and running. The main 30-minute session involves placing apparatus around the working space, where pupils perform balances with variations on mats, such as low-level straddle, star balance, and front support balance. They then move on to perform these balances on the apparatus, focusing on maintaining points of contact and transitioning safely between different balances. Pupils work in pairs to create short routines that incorporate three contrasting balances, linking their prior learning with new moves. The lesson concludes with a 10-minute cool down where pupils engage in strengthening races using exercises like squat jumps, front support walks, and mountain climber walks, followed by a reflective period to assess their performance and improvements for future lessons.