Games 5 - Lesson 1

Physical Education
Physical Education
Year 2
Games 5 - Lesson 1

Physical Education Resource Description

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The Striver Lesson Plans for Year 2 Games focus on introducing children to the fundamentals of tri-golf. The first lesson aims to help pupils understand and execute the basic skills necessary for the sport. The success criteria for this session include the ability to correctly hold and swing or putt a golf club, control the direction of the ball using both a putter and a chipper, and conduct themselves in a safe and honest manner during play. Key vocabulary terms such as tri-golf, putting, chipping, club, safety, swing, and side-on are introduced. Essential equipment for the lesson includes cones and a tri-golf resource pack. The warm-up activity involves a golf course simulation where pupils move around an area with different coloured cones representing various parts of a golf course, such as water hazards, bunkers, tees, fairways, and holes. They respond to commands and run to the corresponding colour cones or tees, with variations and extensions to increase the challenge.

The main part of the lesson, lasting 30 minutes, consists of three activities designed to practice golf skills. The first activity, 'Tunnel Ball', has pupils in groups rolling a ball underarm through a cone tunnel, collecting cones for successful attempts. The second activity, 'Tunnel Ball 2', introduces putting, where pupils aim to hit a stack of cones with a ball from a set distance, using correct grip and body positioning. The final activity, 'Chip-a-thon', involves chipping the ball to land it in a part of the tunnel, with points scored for successful attempts. Each activity has key teaching points focusing on the technique and body positioning, with extensions and variations to cater to different skill levels. The lesson concludes with a cool-down activity, 'Hit it Long', where pupils hit the ball as far as they can, with points awarded for the furthest hit. Pupils reflect on whether they found golf challenging and discuss key teaching points they will remember from the lesson.

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