Athletics - Lesson 4

Physical Education
Physical Education
Year 2
Athletics - Lesson 4

Physical Education Resource Description

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In the fourth lesson of a Year 2 athletics programme, students are taught how to effectively throw different types of equipment, taking into account their size and weight. The lesson's objectives are for pupils to master the 'push' and 'pull' throwing techniques and to articulate the differences between these actions. The success of the lesson is measured by the students' ability to execute these throws and their understanding of the mechanics involved. Key vocabulary such as 'throwing', 'push', 'pull', 'aiming', 'power', 'non-throwing arm', and 'distance' are introduced. To facilitate the lesson, a variety of equipment is required, including cones, flat markers, balls of varying sizes and weights, beanbags, hoops, and buckets.

The session starts with a warm-up game called 'Pass it on', where pupils are divided into groups to practice throwing a ball down a line, with the last pupil running to the front to continue the cycle. This activity focuses on turning, aiming, and closely watching the ball. The main part of the lesson is split into two: 'push' throwing and 'pull' throwing circuits. In 'push' throwing, pairs work with a large soft ball, practicing chest passes and aiming at targets. Key teaching points include using the body to push the ball forwards and ensuring hands point towards the target. The 'pull' throwing circuit involves four different activities with various throwing equipment, where pupils aim to hit or land in targets, learning to throw from behind their shoulders with proper technique. The cool-down activity, 'Measure my throw', involves pupils throwing a ball as far as they can and marking the distance with a cone, encouraging a bit of friendly competition and reinforcing the techniques learned.

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