Games 4 - Lesson 5

Physical Education Resource Description
In the fifth lesson of Games 4 for Year 1 students, the objective is to develop the skill of tagging an opponent in rugby. This lesson is designed to help pupils learn to tag effectively, demonstrate coordination and balance while tagging, and use different movements to evade being tagged. The key vocabulary for this session includes terms such as rugby, tagging, dodging, space, catching, and try. Essential equipment for the activities includes cones, size 3 rugby balls, and tag rugby belts with tags. The warm-up exercise, 'Tag Mania', involves pupils in a dynamic game where they collect tags from their peers within a set area, encouraging close interaction and quick reflexes.
The main part of the lesson features two activities. 'Waste Not Want Not' is a game where selected 'Waste Warriors' (Taggers) aim to tag other pupils, freeze them, and place their tags in designated 'bins', while 'Recyclers' (Distributers) work to unfreeze tagged pupils by recycling tags. This is followed by 'Tagged But Not Out', where taggers aim to remove tags from other pupils, who must then complete a catching task with a rugby ball before rejoining the game. Key teaching points include shouting 'Tag' when successful, focusing on grabbing only the tag, and using various movements to avoid being tagged. The lesson concludes with a cool-down activity called 'Score a Try', where pupils practice scoring a try by placing a ball over a line of cones. Throughout the lesson, pupils are engaged in discussions to reflect on their experiences and the skills they've practiced.