Games 1 - Lesson 6

Physical Education
Physical Education
Year 1
Games 1 - Lesson 6

Physical Education Resource Description

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In the sixth lesson of the Games 1 series for Year 1 students, the learning objectives are centred around developing the skill of sending and receiving a bouncing ball with correct body positioning. The success criteria set out clear goals for the pupils: to be able to drop and catch a large ball on their own, to catch a bounced ball from a partner, and to bounce and catch a ball while moving at speed. Key vocabulary such as 'sending', 'receiving', 'catching', 'bouncing', and 'control' is introduced to help students understand the essential concepts of the lesson. Equipment needed includes cones, large balls with bounce, tennis balls, and hoops.

The lesson is structured into a warm-up, main activities, and a cool-down. The warm-up involves a colour-based game where pupils control their bouncing ball and move to different coloured cones on command, encouraging them to keep their heads up and bounces close to their body. The main session includes individual and partner activities where pupils practice dropping and catching the ball after one or two bounces, both stationary and while moving. These exercises are designed to teach pupils the 'ready position' and improve hand-eye coordination. The session culminates in bouncing relay races that incorporate the skills learned, with variations and extensions provided to challenge the pupils further. The lesson concludes with a cool-down where pupils reflect on what they have learned over the six-week period, discussing their favourite activities and any challenges they encountered.

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