Athletics - Lesson 1

Physical Education Resource Description
The first lesson in the Year 1 Athletics series is designed to teach young pupils how to run fast from a standing start. The lesson's learning objectives focus on developing speed and basic coordination for running. To achieve these objectives, the lesson outlines a series of activities that begin with a warm-up and progress to more focused running drills. The key vocabulary introduced in this lesson includes terms such as "sprint," "run," "strong leg," and "driving." Essential equipment for the session includes mats or a grassy area for safety, marker cones for spatial orientation, and a stopwatch for timing the activities.
The lesson starts with a warm-up game called 'Cone Zone,' where pupils are divided into two teams, 'domes' and 'dishes,' to collect cones and return them to their designated zones. This is followed by the main activity, which includes running drills such as knee raises and practicing standing starts. Pupils learn the correct posture and technique for sprinting, including the importance of running tall from the hips and using their arms effectively. The session concludes with a series of 10-second runs where pupils attempt to cover as much distance as possible, with distances marked for scoring points. The cool-down involves gentle jogging and stretching exercises to ensure pupils' muscles are properly cared for after the intense activity. Finally, pupils reflect on the skills they've learned and consider what they might improve in future lessons.