Jumping Ladders - Athletics

Physical Education
Year 2
Jumping Ladders - Athletics
PE Resources Bank
PE Resources Bank

Physical Education Resource Description

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The "Jumping Ladders" drill is a dynamic exercise commonly found in athletics training sessions, designed to improve agility, coordination, and explosive power. This drill involves a sequence of movements where the participant jumps with both feet into each rung of a ladder laid out on the ground and then jumps out again. The focus is on maintaining a rhythmic pattern while ensuring that both feet land simultaneously within the ladder spaces (both feet in) before propelling oneself forward to the next rung and then jumping outwards (both feet out).

Executing the "Jumping Ladders" drill correctly requires concentration and physical dexterity, as the athlete must coordinate their jumps with precision. The repetitive nature of the jumps—both in and out of the ladder rungs—helps to build muscular endurance in the lower body, particularly targeting the calves, quads, and glutes. Moreover, this exercise aids in developing balance and timing, which are essential components for athletes across various sports, especially those that require quick footwork and sudden changes in direction.

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