Shuttle ball relay - Cricket

Physical Education Resource Description
The Shuttle Ball Relay is a dynamic and engaging activity designed to encourage teamwork and improve throwing accuracy in a cricket context. The primary objective of this game is to transport all the balls from the starting point to the end of the line as efficiently as possible. To facilitate this exercise, you will need a set of hoops to mark the start and finish lines, along with cricket balls or any suitable throwing equipment that can be used for the relay.
Participants are divided into teams, with each team having its own set of equipment. The rules are straightforward: a player picks up an item from their team's starting hoop and throws it towards the finish hoop. Once the throw is complete, they tag the next team member, who then runs to where the ball has landed. This player picks up the ball and aims to throw it closer to or directly into the finish hoop. This process is repeated until the ball successfully lands in the finish hoop. The team that manages to get all of their items into the finish hoop first is declared the winner. The game is typically played over a distance of 30-40 meters, providing ample space for players to run and throw.