Snooker Ball Game - Striking and Fielding

Physical Education Resource Description
The Snooker Ball Game is a dynamic physical education activity that combines movement with precision and strategy. The game's objective is for players, referred to as "snooker players," to hit stationary participants with a ball by rolling it underarm. To set up the game, you will need cones to mark the boundaries and several large, lightweight balls for the players to use. The game is played with at least half of the class participants each holding a ball and positioning themselves around the outside of a demarcated circle.
During the game, all players move around within a restricted space, each bouncing their ball. At the same time, the snooker players circle the outside of the playing area. Upon the command "STOP," everyone must stand still, and the snooker players then attempt to hit the stationary players' feet or legs by rolling their balls towards them. Players must remain still and cannot dodge the incoming ball. If a player is struck, they swap roles with the snooker player. Success in the game is measured by how infrequently a player is hit, with the winner being the individual who has been hit the least number of times throughout the game.