Max Maths, Year 4, Learn together, Drawing symmetrical shapes

Maths Resource Description
In the Max Maths Year 4 curriculum, students learn the fascinating concept of symmetry through hands-on and visual activities. They start by creating symmetrical shapes in a tactile way, by folding a piece of paper and cutting out designs, which when unfolded reveal a symmetrical pattern. This method gives students a clear and immediate understanding of symmetry. To further develop their skills, they are encouraged to use dotted or grid paper, which provides a helpful guide for drawing precise symmetrical shapes.
The learning process is interactive and visual. Students are presented with a shape on one side of a line, labelled AB, which acts as the line of symmetry. They are then instructed to imagine this line as a mirror, reflecting the shape on the other side. The task involves drawing the reflected shape one line at a time, ensuring each segment corresponds to its 'mirror image' on the opposite side of line AB. The activity is designed to reinforce the concept of symmetry and help students understand how to create balanced shapes. For additional practice and to delve deeper into the topic, students are directed to workbook pages 148 to 150, where they can apply their knowledge and refine their skills in drawing symmetrical shapes.