Max Maths, Year 4, Learn together, Place value to 10000 (2)

Year 4
Max Maths, Year 4, Learn together, Place value to 10000 (2)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In an engaging activity from the Max Maths Year 4 curriculum, students are encouraged to deepen their understanding of place value up to 10,000. The exercise involves identifying the value of specific digits within various numbers. For instance, when examining the number 5,018, children learn that the digit '1' holds a position in the Tens place, giving it a value of 10. Similarly, they discover that the digit '2' in the Hundreds place of another number equates to a value of 200. This practical approach helps to reinforce the concept that a digit's value is determined by its position within a number.

The activity continues with additional examples to ensure that pupils can apply their knowledge across different contexts. They ascertain that the digit '9' in the Thousands place of a number like 9,433 has a value of 9,000, while a digit '7' located in the Ones place, such as in the number 1,547, simply has a value of 7. To further solidify their learning, students are prompted to identify the place value of digits within a given number, recognizing for instance that a '5' in the Thousands place or an '8' in the Ones place carries a corresponding value of 5,000 and 8, respectively. Through these exercises, children are able to visualise and comprehend the importance of each digit's position and its contribution to the overall value of a number.