Max Maths, Year 4, Practice, Place value to 10000

Year 4
Max Maths, Year 4, Practice, Place value to 10000
Max Maths
Max Maths
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The 'Max Maths' book for Year 4 provides practice exercises on place value up to 10,000, helping to strengthen students' understanding of number positions within a multi-digit number. In the 'Let's Practise' section, students are invited to identify and write down the specific digits located in the tens, thousands, and hundreds places from a variety of numbers. For example, they are asked to find the digit in the tens place for numbers such as 1,634, 9,204, and 2,793. This helps to reinforce their comprehension of how numbers are constructed and the value each digit represents depending on its position.

Further exercises require students to fill in the blanks by identifying the place value of given digits within numbers. For instance, they must determine the place value of the digit 8 in the number 4,287. Additionally, there are tasks aimed at building their skills in composing numbers from their individual place values. Students complete sums like 5,000 + 400 + 80 + 3 to form a whole number. These exercises are practical and engaging, allowing students to apply their knowledge of place value in a clear and structured way. For more practice, the workbook directs students to continue their learning on workbook pages 10 to 15.