Max Maths, Year 3, Learn together, Counting up to 1000 (2)

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Learn together, Counting up to 1000 (2)
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In the Max Maths programme for Year 3, young learners are encouraged to develop their counting skills, specifically focusing on counting up to 1000. In one of the exercises, students are presented with a practical scenario involving Samir and Jade. Samir has 100 blocks while Jade has 10 blocks. The task for the students is to combine these quantities and determine the total number of blocks. The answer is that together they have 110 blocks, which is verbally expressed as 'one hundred and ten'. This exercise helps students understand the process of adding two numbers together and reinforces the correct way to read and say the combined number.

Further exercises aim to strengthen the students' ability to recognise and articulate numbers in the hundreds. They are shown illustrations of blocks representing hundreds and tens. For example, when presented with a combination of 2 hundreds blocks and 4 tens blocks, students learn to identify this as the number 240, which is verbally articulated as 'two hundred and forty'. Another set of blocks shows 4 hundreds blocks and 1 ten block, which the students learn to recognise as the number 410, verbally stated as 'four hundred and ten'. These activities are designed to enhance the pupils' comprehension of place value and their ability to form and pronounce numbers up to 1000 correctly.

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