Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Amounts of money (2)

Year 2
Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Amounts of money (2)
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In a Year 2 mathematics textbook, the section on 'Amounts of Money (2)' introduces young learners to the concept of counting and calculating different values of money using notes and coins. The exercise presents students with a visual representation of various denominations and asks them to determine the total amount represented. For example, in one part of the exercise, learners are shown a collection of currency and are tasked with calculating that the total amount is 71 cents. This practical approach helps to build their understanding of adding together different monetary values.

Further exercises within this section challenge children to recognise and add together larger sums of money. For instance, students might be asked to calculate that a combination of notes and coins totals $1.25, or to comprehend that $16.63 consists of $16 in notes and 63 cents in coins. These examples are designed to develop the pupils' ability to work with both coins and notes, enhancing their practical money-handling skills and their understanding of the decimal system as it applies to currency. The learning material ensures that children become familiar with the concept of dollars and cents, preparing them for real-life situations where they need to manage money.