Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Doubling 2-digit numbers (2)

Maths Resource Description
In the Max Maths programme for Year 2, students are encouraged to learn together as they explore the concept of doubling 2-digit numbers. The lesson presents a straightforward approach to understanding how to double numbers by using simple addition and multiplication. For instance, to double the number 14, students can add the number to itself, 14 + 14, which equals 28, or they can multiply the number by 2, 14 × 2, which also results in 28. This demonstrates that doubling a number is equivalent to multiplying it by two. The same method is applied to the number 13, where doubling it, either by addition, 13 + 13, or by multiplication, 13 × 2, yields a result of 26.
The lesson continues with a practical exercise where students are tasked with completing a table in their workbooks. The table lists multiples of 5 and requires students to find the double of each number. Starting with 5 doubled to 10, and progressing through 10 doubled to 20, and so on, the pattern continues up to 50. Students are asked to observe and identify the pattern in the numbers as they complete the table. This activity not only reinforces the concept of doubling but also helps students recognise numerical patterns. They are then directed to turn to workbook pages 85 to 86 to continue practicing their new skills in doubling 2-digit numbers.