Max Maths, Year 2, Try it, Addition review

Maths Resource Description
In the 'Try it' section of Max Maths for Year 2, students are encouraged to practice their addition skills through mental calculations. The first task involves adding groups of crayons together. The children are presented with visual representations of the crayons to help them understand the concept of addition by grouping. They are guided to add the numbers in steps, starting with 4 crayons, then adding 3 more, and finally the last group, simplifying the process by breaking it down into manageable parts.
The second task in the 'Try it' section requires students to mentally add blocks, with the activity designed to further reinforce their addition skills. The blocks are shown in two sets, and students must combine the numbers in a sequential manner. For example, they start by adding the first set to 2, then include the 3 blocks, and find the total sum. The 'Let's Practise' section provides a series of straightforward addition problems, such as 4 + 8, 1 + 6, and 5 + 3, up to 9 + 9, which students are asked to solve mentally. This exercise aims to boost their confidence in mental arithmetic and enhance their ability to perform quick calculations without the need for physical counting aids.