Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Addition review

Maths Resource Description
In the 'Max Maths' programme for Year 2, children are encouraged to strengthen their mental arithmetic skills through an addition review. This particular exercise asks them to add beads mentally, which is a fun and visual way to approach the concept of addition. The activity is laid out in a step-by-step format, allowing children to break down each addition problem into smaller, more manageable parts. For example, when faced with the sum 8 + 4, the problem is divided into 8 + 2 + 2, making it easier to reach the answer by first adding 8 and 2 to make 10, and then adding the remaining 2 to reach the final total of 12.
The exercise includes a variety of similar addition problems, each demonstrating how to simplify the process by breaking it down. For instance, 9 + 5 is separated into 9 + 1 + 4, which helps children quickly see that adding 1 to 9 gives a neat 10, and then 4 more makes 14. This method not only aids in quick mental calculation but also builds a strong foundation for understanding the properties of numbers and the concept of place value. The children are directed to continue practising these skills on workbook pages 34 to 36, ensuring they have ample opportunity to master the technique and gain confidence in their ability to perform mental addition.