Max Maths, Year 1, Practice, Exchanging money

Maths Resource Description
In the Max Maths Year 1 practice section on exchanging money, young learners are encouraged to develop their understanding of currency and addition through a series of engaging activities. The first task, 'Find the total amount of money in each group', presents children with four groups of coins. They must calculate the combined value of the coins in each group. For example, the first group contains multiple 5 cent and 10 cent coins, and students must add these together to find the total amount in cents. This practical exercise helps to reinforce their counting and addition skills.
Further tasks involve drawing and problem-solving. In the second activity, students are asked to draw the contents of the Max Maths team members' purses, using clues given about the amount of money each member has. For instance, one clue states that a team member has 5 cents more than Padma, while another has 10 cents less than Tya. Activity three challenges students to draw one way to make specific amounts of money, such as 12 cents, 18 cents, 25 cents, and 33 cents, using different coin combinations. The fourth activity requires pupils to fill in missing numbers to complete sums involving different coin denominations, such as five-cent coins and ten-cent coins, helping them to understand the concept of making the same amount using different coin values. These exercises are designed to build confidence in handling money and understanding its value.