Max Maths, Year 1, Learn together, Exchanging money

Maths Resource Description
In "Max Maths, Year 1, Learn together," young learners are introduced to the concept of exchanging money and understanding that there are multiple ways to combine coins to reach the same total value. The lesson starts by showing different groupings of coins that all add up to 50 cents, highlighting that whether you have many smaller coins or a few larger ones, the total can be the same. For example, five 10-cent coins are equivalent to one 50-cent coin. This visual representation helps children grasp the idea that despite the different combinations of coins, the end amount remains constant.
Following this, the lesson explores various combinations of coins that add up to other specific values, such as 5 cents, 10 cents, 20 cents, 60 cents, 70 cents, and 90 cents. Each value is demonstrated through different configurations of coins, emphasizing that there's not just one set way to reach a total. For instance, to make 5 cents, students can use five 1-cent coins, two 2-cent coins and one 1-cent coin, among other combinations. This practical exercise in exchanging money not only teaches children about the worth of different coins but also strengthens their counting and addition skills, laying a foundation for financial literacy and numeracy.