Five a Day - Algebra 3

Maths Resource Description
KS2Gems has crafted a series of Maths Five a Day activities designed to sharpen students' algebra skills with a SATs question format. The questions are centred around understanding and applying algebraic rules to number sentences and combinations involving two unknown variables. Each set of five questions is crafted to mirror the style and complexity of past SATs papers, providing an authentic practice experience for pupils. The answers follow each question, allowing for immediate feedback and assessment of understanding. These activities are perfect as a starter to gauge students' knowledge or can be used for retrieval practice to reinforce learning.
For example, one of the questions presents a sequence of number pairs and challenges students to discern the rule governing the pattern. Another question involves George, who is creating a pattern with two different shapes, each assigned a numerical value, and students must deduce the value of each shape. In a different task, Charlie is selecting two colours for a new flag from a choice of four, and students must identify all possible colour combinations. Additionally, there's a problem where students must find whole number solutions for x and y in an equation, with the constraint that both are less than ten. Finally, students are asked to complete the rule for a number pattern that is decreasing. These thoughtfully designed questions not only test algebraic concepts but also encourage logical thinking and problem-solving abilities.