Ratio using percentages worksheet

Year 6
Ratio using percentages worksheet
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

Maths Resource Description

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In a dynamic worksheet designed for Key Stage 2 students, the focus is on understanding the relationship between ratios and percentages. The first activity calls for the use of visual aids, where students are presented with images that depict percentages and ratios. The task is twofold: children are asked to write down the percentage that corresponds to a given ratio image, and conversely, to write the ratio that matches a percentage image. After completing this, they are encouraged to sort the images and articulate the reasoning behind their classification, which helps them to grasp the concept of equivalence between ratios and percentages.

The second activity introduces a hands-on approach with the use of interlocking cubes. Children are instructed to create their own mathematical problems by writing down percentage problems that correspond to a specified ratio, such as 1:2, and provide a model answer for it. Once they've crafted their problems, they swap with a partner and work on solving each other's problems, fostering collaborative learning and problem-solving skills. To add complexity and variety, the activity suggests altering the percentage specified, challenging the students to adapt their understanding to different scenarios.

The third activity brings a practical element to the worksheet, where students are asked to use tape measures to find the ratio between their head circumference and their height, rounding to the nearest ten if necessary. They then calculate the head circumference as a percentage of their height and discuss any patterns or observations. As an extension, they can also compare the length of their foot to their height. This activity not only solidifies their computational skills with percentages and ratios but also encourages them to engage in comparative analysis. The overall objective of the worksheet is to solve problems involving the calculation of percentages and to use these percentages for comparison, enhancing their mathematical fluency and reasoning.

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