Vocabulary Quiz - Geometry 2D shapes

Year 6
Vocabulary Quiz - Geometry 2D shapes
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems
AI generated

A vocabulary quiz designed for Year 6 students focuses on the terminology associated with 2D shapes in geometry. The quiz begins by asking students to identify the radius of a circle, with the correct answer being the distance from the centre to the circumference. It then challenges students to describe a shape with three sides of different lengths and three different angles, which is correctly identified as a scalene triangle. Perpendicular lines are also defined in the quiz as two lines which meet at right angles.

The quiz continues to test students' knowledge of angles, asking for the name of an angle measuring more than 180º, which is a reflex angle. It also explores the concept of irregular shapes, those with sides and angles of any size or length. The term 'diagonal' is clarified as a line joining two non-adjacent vertices in a polygon. The definition of a quadrilateral as a 4-sided 2D shape is confirmed, and students are reminded that a protractor is another name for an angle-measurer. Additionally, the quiz describes a trapezium as a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides and outlines the properties of a parallelogram, which has two pairs of parallel sides.