Four in Four - Fractions Set E Division

Maths Resource Description
KS2Gems has crafted a series of engaging and challenging worksheets for Year 6 students, titled 'Four in Four - Fractions Set E Division'. These worksheets are designed to test and improve students' proficiency in dividing fractions. Each sheet contains four fraction division problems, and the aim is for students to complete all four calculations within a four-minute time frame. This exercise not only reinforces their understanding of fraction division but also encourages speed and accuracy under time pressure.
The worksheets present a variety of fractions to be divided by whole numbers, ensuring that students are exposed to different levels of difficulty. For example, one might encounter a problem such as dividing 7/8 by 6 or 3/10 divided by 2. The answers for each sheet are provided, allowing for quick and easy self-assessment or for teachers to check the students' work efficiently. Examples of the solutions include 7/8 ÷ 6 resulting in 7/48, and 3/10 ÷ 2 giving 3/20. These worksheets are an excellent tool for solidifying students' understanding of fractions and division, key components of the mathematics curriculum for Year 6.