Multiplication and Division Sometimes Always Never

Year 5
Multiplication and Division Sometimes Always Never
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems
AI generated

The "Sometimes, Always, Never" activity is an engaging way for Year 5 students to deepen their understanding of multiplication and division concepts. Presented as a series of statements, the task requires pupils to critically evaluate mathematical claims and categorise them as 'sometimes true', 'always true', or 'never true'. This exercise not only encourages children to use mathematical vocabulary but also to provide examples or counterexamples that support their reasoning. For instance, they might discuss whether only even numbers have common multiples, or if an even and an odd number multiplied together always results in an odd number.

Extra challenges are provided to extend learning. For statements that are 'sometimes' true, students are prompted to explain the conditions under which these statements hold true. Additionally, they are tasked with rewriting 'sometimes' statements to make them 'always true' or 'never true', thus honing their ability to manipulate and understand mathematical expressions. This activity serves as an excellent starter to lessons, stimulating discussion and exploration of key mathematical principles, such as the nature of even numbers, factor pairs, prime factors, square and cube numbers, and the process of multiplying or dividing by powers of 10.