Ten a Day 12 Division Facts

Year 4
Ten a Day 12 Division Facts
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

Maths Resource Description

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The "Ten a Day" series provides a structured way for students to practice division facts with the number 12. Each sheet is organized into daily columns, with the aim for students to complete one column per day within a minute. The exercises are designed to reinforce quick recall of division facts involving 12 as the divisor. For example, on Monday, the student might encounter problems such as 12 ÷ 12, 84 ÷ 12, and 120 ÷ 12, progressing through a variety of dividends. Each day of the week offers a new set of division problems to solve, helping to build confidence and speed in division.

As the week continues, the division challenges remain consistent in format but vary in the numbers presented, ensuring comprehensive practice. Students are encouraged to track their progress by recording their daily scores out of ten. This methodical approach not only aids in memorizing division facts but also in developing a routine for mathematical practice. The tasks are designed to be quick and manageable, fitting easily into a daily maths routine, and are suitable for reinforcing division skills in a classroom or home setting. The "Ten a Day" worksheets are a resource created by KS2Gems in 2020 to support Key Stage 2 learners in mastering their division facts with efficiency and accuracy.