Ten a Day 6 Division Facts

Year 4
Ten a Day 6 Division Facts
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

Maths Resource Description

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The "Ten a Day" worksheets are a series of daily exercises aimed at improving students' proficiency with division facts involving the number 6. Each worksheet presents a column of division problems for each weekday, with the challenge for students to complete a column within one minute. The layout is straightforward, starting with simpler equations like 6 ÷ 6, and progressing to larger dividends such as 72 ÷ 6. The goal is for students to accurately solve ten division problems per day, with the opportunity to track their progress by recording their scores out of ten for each day's attempt. This approach encourages quick recall of division facts and helps to build confidence in mathematical fluency.

The worksheets are structured to provide a consistent practice routine. Each day's column features a mix of division problems, some of which repeat across the days to reinforce memory and understanding. Students are expected to write down the date and their name before they start, personalising their learning experience and taking ownership of their progress. The "Ten a Day" series is an excellent tool for teachers and parents to help children in Year 6 consolidate their division skills, particularly focusing on dividing by the number 6. The worksheets are designed with a clear and simple format, ensuring they are accessible and manageable for daily practice.