Loop Card Game - Converting Time

Year 4
Loop Card Game - Converting Time
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems
AI generated

The Loop Card Game is a fun and educational resource from KS2Gems, designed to help Year 4 students master the concept of converting time. This engaging activity includes a series of cards, each posing a question related to time conversions that students must answer. For example, one card asks "What is 6.30pm on a 24-hour clock?" and the correct answer is "18:30". Another card queries "How many seconds in 5 minutes?" with the answer being "300 seconds". The game covers a range of time-related questions, such as the number of days in a fortnight, which is "14 days", and converting 12-hour clock times to 24-hour clock times, like "17:10" to "5.10pm".

Continuing with the time-themed challenges, students are asked to calculate the number of minutes in various hour increments, such as "240 minutes" in 4 hours or "120 minutes" in 2 hours. They also convert analogue times to digital formats, with questions like "What is the analogue time for quarter past 10 in the morning?" and the answer is "10:15am". The game even includes questions about the number of months in multiple years, weeks in a year, and days in a leap year. With questions ranging from "How many months in 1 year?" to "What is noon in digital time?", the Loop Card Game by KS2Gems provides an interactive way for students to practice and reinforce their time conversion skills.