Multiplication Facts Four in a Row Game Sheets

Year 3
Multiplication Facts Four in a Row Game Sheets
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems
AI generated

The "Multiplication Facts Four in a Row" game is an engaging educational activity designed to help Key Stage 2 students practice and reinforce their multiplication skills. The game consists of sheets filled with a variety of multiplication products. To play, each participant requires two dice: one standard 1-10 die and another custom die marked with the numbers 2, 5, 10, 3, 4, and 8. Additionally, players need counters in two distinct colours to mark their progress on the game sheet.

Players take turns rolling both dice and multiplying the two numbers that appear. If the product of the dice roll matches a number on the game sheet, the player places one of their coloured counters on that square. The objective is to be the first to align four counters in a row, which can be achieved vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. This simple yet strategic game not only helps solidify multiplication tables but also encourages critical thinking and planning ahead. Each game sheet presents a new array of numbers, offering a fresh challenge every time.

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