Algebra - Forming Equations - Starter

Year 6
Algebra - Forming Equations - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a series of mathematical challenges aimed at Year 6 students during the Spring Term, Week 6, Day 1, pupils are tasked with applying their arithmetic and algebraic skills to solve practical problems. The 'Fluent in Four' revision segment tests their ability to perform calculations quickly and accurately. One problem involves computing the sum of 6,138 and 273, while another asks students to add together 50 hundreds, 25 tens, and 33 ones, with an additional amount that is 3 less than 43 tens. These exercises are designed to sharpen mental maths and place value understanding.

Algebraic thinking is introduced through real-world scenarios. Students must determine the cost of a taxi journey that spans 43 miles, using the given formula C = 2.45 + 0.3m, where C represents the cost in pounds and m the number of miles travelled, leading to a solution of £15.35. Another problem sets the scene with a freezer at −13°C, and pupils must calculate the new temperature after it increases by five degrees, arriving at −8°C. Additionally, they are prompted to work out the total number of bees in an apiary with 52 hives, each containing 843 bees, resulting in a bee population of 43,836. These exercises not only reinforce numerical operations but also introduce students to the concept of forming and using equations to solve problems.

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