Algebra - Forming Equations - Presentation

Year 6
Algebra - Forming Equations - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a series of interactive algebra lessons, students are encouraged to deepen their understanding of algebraic concepts by transitioning from forming expressions to creating one-step equations. The lessons begin with a thought-provoking question that challenges pupils to distinguish between an expression and an equation. The initial activity guides them through a process where a word problem is translated into concrete representation using cubes and counters, and then into an algebraic expression, ultimately forming an equation. For instance, the statement "I think of a number and add 4 to get 7" is represented as x + 4 = 7 in algebraic terms.

Further activities involve applying this method to various scenarios, such as calculating the total cost of items with unknown prices. One problem presents a chapter book costing £5 and a sticker book priced at £n, with the combined cost being £11, leading to the equation 5 + n = 11. Another example includes a whole cake priced at £15 and a slice at £n, totaling £17, which translates to the equation 15 + n = 17. The lessons also challenge students to write algebraic equations from word problems involving different operations, like subtraction and multiplication, and to use trial and improvement to solve problems where two individuals think of the same number but perform different operations to arrive at their answers. Independent work tasks encourage students to apply these concepts to new problems, further solidifying their understanding of algebraic equations.

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