Decimal - Decimals as fractions - Planning

Year 6
Decimal - Decimals as fractions - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a Year 6 class focused on Number: Decimals, the lesson plan introduces students to the concept of representing decimals as fractions. The session starts with a small step activity where the children refresh their understanding of place value, which is key in converting decimals to fractions. The teaching input involves discussions and visual aids where students observe a bar divided into equal parts, helping them to grasp that each segment represents a fraction of the whole, such as 1/10 or 0.1. Further activities encourage children to convert decimals into fractions in tenths or hundredths, and then to simplify these fractions by finding the highest common factor (HCF). The lesson is designed to solidify their understanding of the relationship between decimals and fractions through practical exercises and partner discussions.

As the lesson progresses, the children work in groups, tackling reasoning problems that require them to apply their knowledge of decimals and fractions to real-world scenarios, like dividing a pizza. They are prompted to think about how to express decimals as fractions and how to simplify them to their most basic form. To ensure that the learning is inclusive and caters to different abilities, the lesson plan includes differentiated worksheets for 'Working Towards', 'Expected', and 'Greater Depth' levels. These worksheets guide students through the process of finding decimals, converting them into tenths or hundredths, and simplifying the resulting fractions. The lesson concludes with a reflective 'Give me five' activity, encouraging students to consider what they've learned about the interplay between decimals and fractions, the skills they've used and found challenging, and what they will remember from the day's lesson.

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