Decimals - Adding Decimals within 1 - Starter

Year 5
Decimals - Adding Decimals within 1 - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The material provided is part of a series of starters for Year 5 students during the Summer Term, focusing on the topic of decimals. The exercises are designed to help students become fluent in working with decimal numbers through a variety of questions. In one of the tasks, students are asked to add together numbers consisting of hundreds, tens, and ones to find the total. They are then required to express the total in terms of thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones, ultimately writing out the complete number.

Another activity involves practical application, where students calculate the total number of books that can be held in a given number of bags, each with a capacity of 14 books. This is a multiplication problem that reinforces their understanding of number operations. Additionally, students are presented with a bead string representing a decimal number, which they must identify. They then convert this decimal into both a percentage and a fraction, demonstrating their ability to switch between different forms of numerical representation. Finally, they are tasked with simplifying the fraction to its lowest terms, further enhancing their mathematical skills in dealing with decimals.

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