Decimals - Adding Decimals within 1 - Planning
Maths Resource Description
In the Year 5 summer term, students delve into the world of decimals, focusing on adding decimals within 1. The National Curriculum objectives for this unit include recognising and writing decimal equivalents of tenths or hundredths, understanding the effects of division by 10 or 100 on digit values, solving measure and money problems involving decimals up to two decimal places, and converting between different units of measure. The key vocabulary for this week encompasses terms like decimal number, tenths, hundredths, place value grid, equivalent, and column method. These are essential for students to grasp the concept of decimals and their application in various mathematical problems.
The lesson starts with a recap of prior knowledge on decimals, ensuring that students can confidently define a decimal and recall relevant terminology. They then engage in hands-on activities using place value counters and charts to visualise and make sense of decimal numbers. The teaching input focuses on adding decimals within the number one, reinforcing the concept that these decimals will not exceed the value of 1, such as 1.45. Students practice this through guided activities, transitioning from concrete representations to more abstract calculations. They are encouraged to ensure decimal places are correctly aligned before completing addition problems. Differentiated worksheets provide independent learning opportunities, catering to varying levels of understanding, from working towards the expected level to achieving greater depth. Students reflect on the lesson by identifying what they've learned, the skills they've used, and the resources that aided their learning, ensuring they remember key takeaways for future success.