Decimals - Decimal Sequences - Planning
Maths Resource Description
The Year 5 lesson on Decimal Sequences is an engaging exploration of numerical patterns, aimed at enhancing students' understanding of decimals during the summer term. The lesson commences with a warm-up activity where students answer 'fluent in four' questions to review prior knowledge. Using resources such as counters and a place value chart, the class delves into the meaning of 'increasing' and 'decreasing' sequences. Students collaborate to define these terms and identify patterns within sequences, determining whether they are ascending or descending, and by what increment. The hands-on approach encourages students to continue sequences using counters or drawings, fostering a practical understanding of the concepts.
As the lesson progresses, students work with decimal sequences in number form, identifying consistent increments and developing rules to describe the patterns. Teachers model the process, ensuring students grasp the terminology and methods required to continue given sequences. In partner work, students challenge each other by creating and solving sequences based on specific rules. The lesson also incorporates group activities, where students order decimal number cards according to a rule and identify any outliers. Independent learning is facilitated through differentiated worksheets, allowing students to apply their knowledge at varying levels of complexity. The lesson concludes with reflection and consolidation, where students identify what they have learned, the skills they used, and any challenges they faced, ensuring they remember key concepts moving forward.