Decimals and Percentages - Understanding Thousandths - Starter

Year 5
Decimals and Percentages - Understanding Thousandths - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The lesson plan for Year 5 students during the Spring Term's tenth week, day four, includes a variety of mathematical problems that aim to enhance their understanding of decimals and percentages. The 'Fluent in Four' revision section encourages quick mental arithmetic by asking questions such as '26 past 6 equals what?', which is a prompt to calculate the result of 49 divided by 7. Students are also tasked with a division problem where they must work out the result of dividing the number composed of 34 tens and 2 ones by double 19. These exercises are designed to reinforce their numerical fluency and problem-solving skills.

In addition to arithmetic, the lesson includes practical applications of multiplication and an exploration of geometric concepts. Students are asked to calculate the total number of parking spaces available for nine establishments, given that each establishment has 24 spaces. This requires them to multiply 24 by 9, resulting in a total of 216 parking spaces. The lesson also prompts students to think about the properties of shapes, asking where the lines of symmetry would be located. Furthermore, they are challenged to determine the fraction represented by a certain number of coloured squares, thereby integrating their knowledge of fractions with visual representation. Overall, the lesson provides a comprehensive approach to learning key mathematical concepts through a series of engaging and varied activities.

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