Decimals and Percentages - Understanding Thousandths - Planning
Maths Resource Description
In a comprehensive Year 5 lesson on decimals and percentages, students delve into the concept of thousandths. The lesson is structured with a starter to recap previous knowledge on tenths and hundredths, followed by class teaching input where students are shown a video to help visualise numbers with three decimal places using Base Ten blocks. The key vocabulary for the lesson includes terms such as decimal, fraction, numerator, denominator, and place value, with a focus on ones, tenths, hundredths, and thousandths. Students engage in activities that involve using Base Ten to construct various numbers and represent them as mixed numbers, reinforcing their understanding of decimal place value and the relationship between whole numbers and their fractional counterparts.
Further activities include discussions on the relative values of decimal places, using place value charts to explore the exchange between tenths, hundredths, and thousandths, and understanding the partitioning of a hundred square into thousandths. Group work and independent tasks with differentiated worksheets challenge students to apply their knowledge through fluency exercises and reasoning problems. The lesson aims to clarify common misconceptions and ensure students can confidently represent thousandths as decimals and mixed numbers. The plenary encourages reflection, with students considering what they've learned about decimal place value to three decimal places (3.d.p.), the skills they've used and found challenging, and the tools that aided their learning. The lesson concludes with a commitment from students to remember the day's key points, ensuring a solid grasp of the material covered.