Decimals and Percentages - Decimals as Fractions (1) - Starter

Year 5
Decimals and Percentages - Decimals as Fractions (1) - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The 'Decimals and Percentages' section of the Year 5 curriculum introduces 'Decimals as Fractions' in a structured manner. The lesson starts with a 'Fluent in Four' revision exercise, where students practice their arithmetic by solving subtraction problems, such as calculating 8,647 minus 739. They also tackle a challenging problem involving the subtraction of numbers represented in different formats, including thousands, tens, and hundreds. The exercises are designed to reinforce their understanding of place value and the relationships between different units.

Students are then presented with activities to deepen their grasp of decimals. They fill in missing numbers to complete equations that represent decimals as sums of their constituent parts: tens, ones, tenths, and hundredths. For example, they learn that 19.64 can be broken down into a sum involving a missing number of tens, plus 9 ones, plus 0.6 (6 tenths), plus 0.04 (4 hundredths). In another task, they find the missing part of a sum to make up the decimal 0.33, understanding it as 2 tenths and a certain number of hundredths. The lesson also includes 'Complete the stem sentences' exercises, where students apply their knowledge of place value to construct and understand decimals, such as recognising that 0.11 comprises 9 ones, 0 tenths, and 6 hundredths, leading to the decimal representation of 9.06.

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