Decimals and Percentages - Decimals as Fractions (1) - Presentation

Year 5
Decimals and Percentages - Decimals as Fractions (1) - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The lesson on 'Decimals as Fractions (1)' offers students an engaging exploration of the relationship between decimals and fractions. By using a hundred grid, students are prompted to consider how this visual tool can aid them in converting fractions to decimals and vice versa. The grid represents a whole divided into a hundred equal parts, making it an excellent resource for understanding the equivalence between fractions with a denominator of 100 and decimal representations. Throughout the lesson, students are encouraged to discuss the use of the hundred grid and delve into the meaning behind the decimal point, as well as the process of simplifying fractions and proving the equality between a given decimal and fraction.

The lesson's activities are structured to reinforce the conversion concepts. In Activity 1, students are tasked with identifying the fraction depicted on the grid and then writing its equivalent decimal form. For example, they learn that the fraction 3/100 is the same as the decimal 0.03. Activity 2 introduces a bead string representing one whole, where students must determine the decimal represented by the highlighted section and then represent it on a 100 square. The reasoning exercises challenge students further, asking them to identify the odd one out among various decimal and fraction representations and to explore multiple ways to complete part-whole models using both fractions and decimals. Independent work activities include coloring in a 100 grid to represent a fraction shown with counters, converting it to a decimal, and matching parts of a bead string to fractions on the grid. Through these exercises, students are guided to a deeper understanding of the equivalence between decimals and fractions.

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