Fractions - Calculate Fractions of a Quantity - Worksheet

Year 5
Fractions - Calculate Fractions of a Quantity - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The provided worksheet focuses on teaching children how to calculate fractions of a quantity, a key concept in understanding fractions. The worksheet encourages the use of concrete and pictorial representations to aid comprehension. Specifically, students are taught to use the bar model, which visually represents fractions and helps them grasp the abstract mathematical concepts involved. Initially, children find fractions from a given quantity using a completed bar model, and as they gain confidence, they progress to working with non-unit fractions. This methodical approach helps students understand why the bar model method works and how it relates to the abstract method of calculation.

Further into the worksheet, children are tasked with finding non-unit fractions from a quantity using pictorial representations. They are also required to work out missing parts in given calculations, which reinforces their understanding of the relationship between fractions and division. The worksheet includes various exercises for fluency and precision, where students must use the bar model to represent and find fractions of different quantities. They complete calculations involving both unit and non-unit fractions, multiplying and dividing as necessary to find the correct answers. This structured practice helps students solidify their understanding of fractions and how to calculate them in different contexts.

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