Fractions - Calculate Fractions of a Quantity - Planning
Maths Resource Description
The curriculum for Year 5 students in Spring includes a comprehensive unit on fractions, specifically focusing on calculating fractions of a quantity during Week 6. The national curriculum objectives for this unit are to multiply proper fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers, and to solve problems involving multiplication and division, including scaling by simple fractions and problems involving simple rates. Students will become familiar with key vocabulary such as 'multiply', 'proper fraction', 'improper fraction', 'mixed number', and 'denominator', among others. These terms are crucial for understanding the concepts taught in this unit. The lesson plan includes a variety of resources such as worksheets, presentations, and counters to aid in the learning process. The aim is to ensure children become fluent in calculating fractions of quantities, and the lesson includes a recap of previous learning, practical activities, and independent learning tasks.
During the lesson, students will revisit the concept of finding fractions of a quantity, differentiating between unit fractions (where the numerator is one) and non-unit fractions (where the numerator can be any digit). They will learn the rule for calculating fractions of an amount, which involves dividing the amount by the denominator and then multiplying by the numerator, using bar models to visualize the process. Practical activities will include solving word problems and using counters to find fractions of amounts. The lesson encourages partner discussions to compare and contrast methods and to validate true or false statements. By the end of the lesson, students will have completed differentiated worksheets and engaged in reasoning and problem-solving tasks, using both concrete and pictorial representations to deepen their understanding of fractions. The lesson concludes with a reflection on the skills learned and a promise to remember the key concepts covered.