Fractions - Compare Fractions (Less Than One) - Worksheet

Maths Resource Description
In the "Compare Fractions – Less Than One" worksheet, students are tasked with comparing and ordering fractions with denominators that are multiples of the same number. This exercise aligns with the National Curriculum objective and helps children to deepen their understanding of equivalent fractions. The resources provided include differentiated sheets and teaching slides to cater to varying levels of student ability. Key vocabulary terms such as 'compare', 'order', 'equivalent', 'less than 1', 'denominator', and 'numerator' are highlighted to support students' learning. The use of bar models is a significant feature of the lesson, allowing students to visualise the fractions and grasp the concept of common denominators and numerators more effectively.
Students encounter various activities that encourage them to use bar models for comparing fractions and to explore the use of common numerators as a strategy. Key questions prompt learners to think critically about the methods they use and the relationships between the fractions they are comparing. The worksheet provides opportunities for both fluency and precision in dealing with fractions, as well as reasoning and problem-solving challenges. Children are given scenarios to agree or disagree with, using their knowledge of fractions and bar models to justify their answers. This approach not only reinforces their mathematical reasoning but also fosters a deeper conceptual understanding of fraction comparison.