Fractions - Fractions of an Amount - Starter

Year 5
Fractions - Fractions of an Amount - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a Year 5 mathematics lesson, students are introduced to the concept of finding fractions of an amount through a variety of engaging activities. To begin, they use bar models to represent and calculate one-sixth of 36, which is achieved by dividing 36 by 6. The exercise is extended by asking students to then find two-sixths of 36, fostering their understanding of both fractions and multiplication. The lesson incorporates practical application, where students must determine the remaining number of party hats in a shop after a certain number have been sold. They start with 3,335 hats and subtract the number sold on Saturday (1,423) and Sunday (231), filling in the bar model to visualize the subtraction process and find the answer.

Further exercises include ordering a set of numbers in ascending order, which helps students practice their number sense with both whole numbers and decimals. They are presented with sequences such as 65.79, 79.01, 56.48, and 63.1, and are asked to arrange them from smallest to largest. Additionally, the lesson includes subtraction problems presented in a column format, where students must calculate the difference between numbers such as 5,685 and 994. An extra challenge is provided with a problem involving tens and hundreds, where students add one to 29 tens and eight hundreds, then subtract a number that is seven more than 690, testing their understanding of place value and arithmetic operations.

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