Fractions - Fractions of an Amount - Planning

Year 5
Fractions - Fractions of an Amount - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a Year 5 mathematics lesson on fractions, students explore the concept of finding fractions of an amount, building on their existing knowledge of unit and non-unit fractions. The class begins with a starter activity that prompts students to recall how to find fractions such as ½, 1/3, ¼, and 1/8 of a number, highlighting that the process involves dividing the whole amount by the denominator. The lesson utilises bar models to visually represent the division, making it easier for children to grasp the concept. For example, to find 1/5 of 30, students are shown how to divide 30 by 5 to get 6, as demonstrated in a bar model. They then practice this method with different unit fractions to strengthen their understanding.

Moving on to non-unit fractions, the lesson introduces the additional step of multiplying the result by the numerator after dividing by the denominator. Using bar models, students see how to calculate 2/5 of 30 by first finding 1/5 and then multiplying by 2. This method is practiced with various examples to ensure proficiency. The lesson also includes group work where students complete reasoning tasks and apply their skills to different measurements, using bar modelling for visual support. Key questions encourage students to think about the relationship between fractions and amounts, while common misconceptions are addressed to ensure a solid understanding. The lesson concludes with a reflection on the skills used, such as division and multiplication, and a commitment to remember the lesson's key points. Differentiated activities cater to varying levels of fluency, from visual representation to solving multi-step tasks, ensuring that all students can progress in their understanding of fractions of an amount.

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